Our Manifesto
Technology continues to change lives and industries. We look for those teams and opportunities which provide outstanding returns for our investors, whilst having a positive impact on human and environmental wellness.
Back smart people, solving big problems.
Investment Process
We look for businesses with a clear competitive advantage and the ability to scale in their sector globally or nationally.
We look for diverse industry and sector focus, but where the investment is of a high quality in growth segments, with a disruptive approach, and a strong team.
We invest from Seed, Start-up (pre-revenue, but traction) and into Early Expansion phases across Australia and Asia Pacific. We expect that 60-90% of our investments will be in the early expansion stage of development, with the remaining 10-40% in the earlier stages. This provides a balance of risk and reward for our investors.
We generally invest between $100,000 – $5 Million.
20% of our investments will be outside Australia, whilst remaining compliant with ESVCLP requirements.
We look for strong equity positions and back this up with board representation and protections for shareholders.
But ultimately, we look for businesses with strong exit potential, where we can work with the management team to build success.
Pitch Us
We love a warm introduction. Send us an email with your pitch deck, having been referred to us
We will usually respond within 2-3 weeks and setup a time to hear more about your business. If we like the idea and are interested in investing, then we will let you know within 2-3 weeks following the first meeting.
Or if you have an idea and would like to incubate it then see our portfolio company Two Up Labs www.twouplabs.com